
Thursday 24 November 2011

BBC Alba Interview on the Proposed Allt Duine Windfarm

Yesterday I went over to Aviemore to be interviewed on behalf of the Save the Monadhliath Mountains by Debby Waldron for BBC Alba. The subject was the proposed Allt Duine windfarm. We agreed to meet in the excellent Mountain Cafe and that's where, due to the weather, we stayed, Debby setting up her camera and recording gear in a corner and interviewing and filming me while I tried to ignore the stares of other customers. After three weeks of dry, mild and often sunny weather I'd woken - not unexpectedly, as it was forecast - to high winds, dark low clouds and rain. Any likelihood of an outdoor recording or of going somewhere we could see the Monadh Liath was gone.

The interview will probably be broadcast on both radio and television on BBC Alba (in English - I don't speak Gaelic) and possibly on Reporting Scotland next Tuesday, November 29th.


  1. Well done Chris

    It needs as much visibility as possible to shame Highland Council into rejecting it.

  2. Our fingers and toes are crossed hoping for a rejection too. Thanks Chris.

  3. I look forward to hearing the interview and sincerely hope the plans are rejected. Currently lots of activity in the Laggan area installing the pylons for the Beauly-Denny project.

  4. Hope the SNP listens, unlike Strathy.

  5. Question Time was in Aberystwyth last week; the issue of turbines was raised by a member of the audience. To be honest I was a bit surprised that the question was one of those to make it through vetting.

    My feeling was that the weight of opinion, both in the audience and across the panel, was much more anti than pro and I don't think it was just a case of me seeing only what I wanted to see.

  6. The item is now due to be broadcast on An La, which is on BBC Alba at 8pm tonight (November 30TH) and will then be available on the iplayer

    Debby Waldron

  7. Thanks Debby. Only one line but at least I think it summed up what I was saying.
