
Tuesday 6 August 2013

Red Squirrels

Whilst returning home from the Scottish Watershed Walk has meant dealing with the inevitable mass of emails, paper mail, phone calls and other desk stuff one of the delights has been watching the red squirrels in the garden. These are in their bright summer coats now and really living up to their name. On the Watershed I saw much wildlife - black-throated divers, golden eagles, hen harriers, peregrine falcons, badgers, red fox, deer and more - but the only squirrels were grey ones in the Central Lowlands so it's been good to watch our red ones again.


  1. It's amazing what's on one's doorstep!
    Great photos, Chris :)

  2. I have to get up at 6.00am and drive 20 miles if I want to see a red squirrel. Great to have them in the garden.
