
Monday 23 March 2020

Some reading for when we can return to the hills

With plans for walks long and short on hold for the foreseeable future I'm spending time thinking about where I'll go when all this is over. Daydreaming is a way to cope.

Over the years I've posted dozens of features on all aspects of walking on this site. They're all free to read and maybe they can give some inspiration and enjoyment during this difficult time. I've gathered lists of some of them together. Here they are:

Lightweight Backpacking


Backpacking Photography


  1. Why not, Chris? If you've been away from people for a fortnight and have no symptoms, you won't have it so will be safe to go out and not be taken ill. Or why not daywalks, we did 15 miles yesterday - from our house of course. The govt guidelines are to do what is normal for you and your level of fitness permits, in your local area.

  2. I am doing walks from home.But I'm not driving anywhere to go for a walk and plans for long backpacking trips are on hold.
