
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Memorable Mountains 3: An Teallach

Third in this occasional series of mountains I'm thinking about during the lockdown is one I've traversed three times but not yet had a view from. An Teallach is a wonderful, tremendous mountain - complex, rugged, spectacular, really a mini mountain range with many summits including two Munros and a superb line of pinnacles, the Corrag Buidhe.

For me An Teallach also a frustrating mountain as whenever I go near it the heavens open. As well as my three ascents, all in dense mist and rain, I've camped on its flanks several times and gone no further due to the weather. I once spent a whole day sitting in Shenavall bothy whilst the rain and wind hammered down hoping the weather would clear the next day. It didn't. Any views I've had of An Teallach have been from a distance - the one above was taken from the Beinn Dearg range.

My first post-lockdown promise to myself is to climb An Teallach on a clear day!

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