With the current interest in the future of ViewRanger and much discussion on social media about mapping and navigation apps I thought I'd post an edited review of some apps that I wrote for The Great Outdoors last year. I've left the ViewRanger review as I wrote it though it's no longer open for new subscriptions. I left out my review of MemoryMap as it's been significantly revised and I haven't tried the latest version. I've also omitted mentions of apps only available for Apple operating systems as I can't actually test these and apps that don't offer UK mapping. I've removed the prices too as these may have changed.
and route apps have proliferated in recent years with the rise in popularity of
smartphones. With mapping apps, you can find your position via GPS and plan and
record routes. Some apps allow you to identify features or watch 3D flyovers as
well. Here I’m looking at apps designed for smartphones. There are of course
standalone GPS units from the likes of SatMap and Garmin that offer the same
mapping and features.
that run on desktop and laptop computers are excellent for planning and you can
print sheets for specific routes. I’ve been doing the latter for many years,
especially on long walks like the TGO Challenge where it saves weight. On one Challenge
my printouts of OS Landranger maps weighed 111 grams. The six full maps
covering the route weighed 498 grams. Of course, the printouts covered much
smaller areas than the full maps. However, I had full coverage on my smartphone
to use if I wandered off the printed map.
advantage of digital maps, both on desktop and smartphone, is being able to
zoom in and out, for more detail or for an overview of an area. When planning routes
I often do this frequently.
apps offer pre-planned routes to follow and often have the option of adding
your own. Some are also proper mapping maps as well with OS maps, but many only
have basic maps and should be used in conjunction with other mapping. For
outdoor use the mapping needs to be OS or Harvey, the same as the printed ones.
Street maps, Google maps and the like are not adequate.
apps also offer mapping for other countries. I’ve used app maps for long walks
in various parts of the USA and in the Alps. Again, these need to be large
scale topographic maps.
are apps for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS. Many have versions for all four,
but some are specific to particular operating systems.
seems the case with all digital stuff (my camera has more options than I know
what to do with, never mind my smartphone) these apps are complex with a
plethora of features. Time is needed to learn what they can do, and which
features are most useful. There isn’t the space here to cover all the aspects
of each product so I’ve concentrated on those I think are of most use to
hillwalkers, that is position location, recording routes, plotting routes, route
information, printing maps, and share options (so you can share your location).
If you use a GPS unit some apps will allow you to import and export GPX files.
apps are free but only come with basic mapping, if any. Pricing for maps is
complicated as most companies offer many options. Subscriptions are the best
value for money and a way to ensure your maps are regularly updated. Buying
just the maps you want outright may be initially cheaper, but you don’t get
updates and it can get expensive if you need many maps.
is often argued that smartphones aren’t suitable for use in the hills, that
they can fail, that batteries run out, or that they may not be able to get a
signal. The latter is based on a misconception. If you’ve downloaded the maps
to your phone a phone connection isn’t needed. GPS will show your location.
Indeed, it’s best to turn the phone signal off to save battery power.
been using a smartphone for navigation for over a decade and have yet to have a
serious problem. I carry a battery charger, so I don’t run out of power. I used to
keep my smartphone in a protective case but last year I replaced with a waterproof rugged one that doesn't need protecting (see this review). Of course, if you only have one
navigation option and it has problems there can be difficulties. That applies
to printed maps and physical compasses too. Maps can blow away; compasses can
break or fail. Whether you prefer to use a printed map and compass or a
smartphone it’s wise to carry the other as a backup. I always do. Mapping apps
usually have a digital compass. Whilst this is good for general directions it
doesn’t replace a physical compass.
of the apps offer free trials so you can try them out and see which one best
suits your needs.
Note: How well apps run depends in part on the hardware.
I tried the Windows and Android apps on a Windows 10 PC and a Samsung Galaxy S7
Android smartphone. Both are quite old and not that powerful. The apps ran fast
enough for me though.
Anquet Outdoor Map
Navigator ****1/2 Best Buy overall www.anquet.com
Likes fast,
print option, offline desktop app
only UK maps
Platforms Windows,
iOS, Android, MacOS
Maps OS
Landranger & Explorer, Harvey Superwalker, Harvey British Mountain
Features track
recording, offline desktop maps (Premium Plus), GPX compatible
Offline yes
Launched back in 2001 offering maps on CD Anquet was one of
the first companies selling digital mapping. Since it began it has moved with the
technology and now offers subscriptions for downloads to smartphones and
computers, providing a service rather than a one-off sale.
When I last tried Anquet ten years ago one-off downloads had
just begun and CD mapping was still available. It worked well then and it still
does. Downloading the app to both PC and smartphone was fast. The maps downloaded and opened quickly on the
latter but were slow on my ageing PC.
An excellent feature with the OS Premium Plus subscription is
the option of downloading the app and maps to your desktop computer for planning
routes and printing. I find this more versatile and faster than using a web
browser. It’s much easier to plot a
route on a large screen than a small one so this is a very useful feature. Routes
can then be synchronised with your smartphone or printed out.
There’s no 3D or augmented reality feature. Anquet says it
is concentrating on ‘getting more done with simpler interfaces’ and a third
version of OMN will be launched later this year, available to current subscribers.
I don’t miss 3D, but I do fine augmented reality useful for identifying distant
features. It’s not essential though. You can record tracks and waypoints and
sync them on the desktop.
I found Anquet OMN easy to learn and powerful. As a combined
smartphone and desktop app it’s excellent.
RouteBuddy https://routebuddy.com/ Best for Desktop ****1/2
route planning, printing, merging OS and Harvey maps
Dislikes no
android version
Platforms Windows, macOS, iOS
Maps OS Explorer & Landranger,
Harvey Superwalker, British Mountain & Summit, USA,
France, Norway, Sweden,
New Zealand maps
Features route
planning, map stitching, printing, track planning and recording
Offline yes
The RouteBuddy app comes in two forms -RouteBuddy Desktop
Map Software for Windows and macOS and RouteBuddy Atlas for iPhones. Sadly,
there is no android version. This is a shame as RouteBuddy is one of the best
desktop mapping programmes I’ve used. It’s powerful and fairly complex but
quite easy to learn. Maps can be downloaded to your desktop for studying and
planning and drawing routes. This gives you far more options than web mapping.
Plotting routes, even long ones, is easy. I’ve planned
several TGO Challenges on RouteBuddy, printing out A4 route maps to carry with
me. You can also drag and drop route files from a GPS, from friends or from
websites. Routes you plot or record give elevation, ascent, descent and more
(useful for the TGO Challenge route form – no need to count grid squares or
contour lines).
RouteBuddy has a unique feature that I love. It can
seamlessly stitch together OS 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 maps and both OS scales and
Harvey maps. I’ve used both OS scales and Harvey maps for TGO Challenge routes.
RouteBuddy connects them so well that the scale becomes the same, but you have
all the extra details when it’s the 1:25,000 map and all the features when it’s
a Harvey map. Satellite and road maps can be layered too.
I only have one problem with RouteBuddy. There’s no app for
Android so I can’t have it on my smartphone. Otherwise my only minor complaint
is that it’s easy to lose many hours planning routes and enjoying the maps.
ViewRanger (now OutdoorActive) ***** Best for smartphone www.viewranger.com
Likes easy to use, Skyline augmented
reality, BuddyBeacon, worldwide maps
Dislikes BuddyBeacon requires a data
connection, no print option
Platforms iOS,
Maps OS
Explorer & Landranger, Harvey Superwalker & British Mountain
Offline Yes
Features Skyline augmented reality, track
recording and sharing, 3D Flyovers,
BuddyBeacon, compass
ViewRanger is a
well-established mapping app for smartphones and one that I know well, having
been using it for over ten years, both in the UK and in the USA and the Alps. Mostly
I’ve used it to find my location and for navigation. You can’t download maps to
a laptop or desktop computer, but it is easy to plan routes on the ViewRanger
website and then download them to your smartphone. You can also see and
download routes created by others for any area by entering a location or
postcode. I did this for the GR5 through the Alps. There are thousands of routes
on the website. You can’t print from the web maps though.
A good extra feature
of ViewRanger is the BuddyBeacon, which allows you to share your real-time
location with friends and family. It’s pin protected so only those you choose
can see the information. However, you do require a data connection so it’s not
usable everywhere.
ViewRanger also
has an augmented reality tool called Skyline. With this you can use your
phone’s camera to identify peaks, lakes and more. ViewRanger says it knows the
location of more than 9 million points on 80% of the Earth except the polar
regions. This is a fascinating and useful feature, naming features in the
landscape. You can even use it to guide you along a route. And of course, you
can take a photo with the features named on it. Another fun feature to play
with is Flyover in 3D which allows you to pan and zoom around routes.
ViewRanger is
well-designed and easy to use, both on and offline. It’s an essential part of
my outdoor kit.
OS Maps Premium ****1/2 Recommended www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk
Likes easy to use, Augmented Reality
Viewer, print option, use codes from paper maps
Dislikes only OS maps
Platforms Windows,
iOS, Android
Maps OS
Explorer, OS Landranger
Features track
recording, augmented reality, aerial 3D
On a smartphone the OS Maps app works just the same as
ViewRanger. Download the maps and use GPS to find your location. You can record
routes on a smartphone and plan routes on all platforms or else find
pre-planned routes. The last two are best and most easily done on a large
computer screen. There’s an augmented reality option, AR Viewer, that allows
you to identify features in the landscape for the smartphone app and an aerial
3D option on the website.
From a PC you can
print map sheets as long as you have an internet connection. If you have a big
enough printer you can print to A3 size.
For UK only use with OS maps this app is fine, especially if
you want to print maps as well as have them on your smartphone. There are no
other map options though so if you go abroad you’ll need another app. You can’t
buy individual maps either. However, if you buy a paper map it comes with a
code so you can download a digital map. This is a one-off and you don’t get
other features.
OS Locate https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/shop/os-locate *****
Platforms iOS,
Maps no
Features grid
reference, digital compass, share button
Offline yes
Costs free
OS Locate is a
simple free app that gives you a grid reference and a compass bearing. You can
link it to downloaded OS maps but as your position is shown on those anyway I
don’t see much point. However, it’s an excellent app to use with paper maps. If
you’re not sure where you are click and there’s a grid reference. This used to
be all GPS units did before they gained mapping and lots of bells and whistles.
There’s a digital Silva compass too, which you can use to take bearings, using
two fingers to turn the bezel, though it’s easier with the real thing. If you
have a phone connection your position can be shared via email or social media.
I think this is
an excellent app and worth having even if you only use printed maps and compass
for navigation, especially as it’s free.
Komoot www.komoot.com ***
Likes planning
maps not OS/Harvey standard
Platforms Android,
Maps basic
Features routes
Offline yes
Komoot is a planning tool for cycling and walking. It’s
packed with masses of routes that can be downloaded and then followed on the
map on your phone. The maps are fine for road cycling and just about ok for off-road
walking. For hillwalking where navigation is crucial Komoot is better thought
of as a digital guidebook rather than digital mapping and just as with most
printed guidebooks you need a detailed map to go with it. When you zoom in on a
map more detail does appear, including contour lines, but it’s still not OS
standard. The maps are inexpensive though.
There are masses of routes and you can enter your activity – hiking, mountaineering,
various types of cycling, your fitness from couch potato to Pro. Put in start
and finish points and Komoot will come up with a route. I looked for one from Glenmore
to Ben Macdui and back and Komoot came up with a sensible option and said it was an “Expert
Hiking Tour. Very good fitness required. Sure-footedness, sturdy shoes and
alpine experience required”, which sounds reasonable. It also gave a very
precise time – 9:21 – a distance of 17.5 miles and an ascent of 3700 feet. Routes
are customisable and you can enter in options you’d like to see on the map –
everything from restaurants to mountain passes.
Komoot also has turn-by-turn
voice navigation. I think this would drive me crazy! However, it does seem more
designed for cyclists and runner than walkers as on the website it says “when
you’re hurtling downhill you don’t want to fumble for your phone to know where
to go”.
If you like footpath guidebooks,
then Komoot may well suit you.