Sunday 7 August 2011

Adventure Travel Piece in Scotland on Sunday

Yesterday afternoon I was asked to write a piece for Scotland on Sunday about the value of adventure travel in the light of the tragic polar bear attack on Svalbard (in an area where I once led a ski tour - the only trip on which I've carried a rifle). The piece is in today's paper and can be found on the Scotland on Sunday here.


  1. Spot on, Chris. This message needs to be shouted from the rooftops.

    Sadly, most adventure holidays seem to be populated by the better off families as funds for the less well-off children that used to be available from local authorities seems to have dried up years ago.

    I was the recipient of such a grant when I was a boy, enjoying a walking trip in Corsica. Because of that amazing trip I never looked back and have been out having adventures in the Great Outdoors ever since.

    I wrote a little about adventure and opportunities for children a while back: HERE

  2. Thanks Alan. Your piece is excellent. Given all the stuff around this tragedy I'm glad Scotland on Sunday gave me the opportunity to write my piece.

  3. Hi Chris,

    Good piece, and pretty much on the money in general terms.

    But... the other casualty of this tragedy is a dead Polar Bear. Svalbard is known to have one of the highest bear populations in the arctic and as you note, teams are required to carry firearms. I guess another aspect of this particular incident is whether it's acceptable any more for 80 people to be adventuring in the area, and to have the means to kill any bear which does what a bear will naturally do?

    I don't have the answer, but the question surely needs asking
    Kind regards

  4. Well said and well written.

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