Wednesday 2 May 2012

Bothy Talk on BBC Landward

Not the bothy in the programme!

A few weeks ago I spent a night in a bothy for the Landward programme on BBC2. I chatted to Dougie Vipond about various bothy experiences and was filmed sitting by the fire and being asleep in my sleeping bag! The programe itself goes out this Friday at 7.00p.m. on BBC2 Scotland, after which it will be available on BBC iPlayer for the next week. I'll be interested to see which of my stories are broadcast!


  1. Ooh! I'm looking forward to that. Almost impossibly, I almost drowned in the Feith Uaine Mhor It was rushing quite a bit (Pouring rain, usual Challenge weather) and I slipped backwards into it having just left the bothy to head over the tops to Braemar. My head was below water and I couldn't get up! My Leyland pulled me out... I waded every river that day... couldn't have got any wetter.

  2. Nice one. Will look forward to watching this Chris. They didn't catch you snoring on camera did they? ;)

  3. Yes, Chris, I'll try to tune in too.
    I don't recognise the bothy in the photo, but looks to be in good condition.

  4. Just watched the programme. Great fun! I think it was Ryvoan bothy in the programme, whereas the one in the post is the legendary Tarf Hotel.

    And Terry: someone was indeed caught snoring on camera, but it wasn't Chris!

  5. Great programme, I'd love to stay in a bothy, one day soon I hope.
