Saturday 26 October 2013

Filming for the Adventure Show

A dusting of snow on Cairn Lochan   

Sometimes the weather just works out for the best. A few weeks ago I'd arranged to do some filming with Triple Echo Productions for The Adventure Show. The date was last Thursday and the forecast earlier in the week was not promising. But it changed and Thursday became 'the best-looking day of the week' in the mountain forecasts. And so it proved, a day of dryness in a week of wet weather. The night before was chilly with the rain falling as snow on the highest summits. It was still windy and we had to find sheltered spots to record voices.  Clouds tore across the sky, layered and fractured, with rare flashes of sunlight slanting occasionally slanting through them. The air was cold, hat and gloves cold, which was good as we were filming for a piece about the Cairngorms in winter. Appropriately, the clouds lifted at times to reveal a fresh dusting of snow high up.

Keith and Meg, cameraman and producer, heading for the Chalamain Gap

Filming takes time, as I know from making the Cairngorms in Winter film with Terry Abraham last winter. On this occasion we wandered across to the rocky ravine of  the Chalamain Gap and back again, a distance of around 8 kilometres. We were out for five hours. I walked much more than that distance though as I repeated several sections so they could be filmed from different angles and vantage points. I also carried a full pack so I could be filmed pitching camp and then sitting in the tent talking about winter camping. 

Reindeer ignoring us

Our route took us past a big enclosure where the Cairngorm reindeer are often found when they're not scattered over the hills. They were there that day, studiously ignoring us, though one did stare intently when I was pitching the tent.

The piece will be broadcast in the Adventure Show on BBC2 Scotland in early December and will include clips from The Cairngorms In Winter film.

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