Monday 15 September 2014

Outdoor Trade Show - The Most Interesting Items of New Gear

Displays at the Outdoor Trade Show

Last week I spent a few days wandering round the Outdoor Trade Show in Stoneleigh in Warwickshire (furthest south I've been this year) looking at gear whilst outside the sun blazed down. Yes, I'd rather have been in the hills but there was quite a bit of interesting stuff that I'm looking forward to trying. I've done a round-up of the gear that most caught my attention for The Great Outdoors (I was there on the magazine's behalf) which you can read here. It includes brands like Force Ten, MSR, Primus, Therm-A-Rest, Primaloft and Sea-to-Summit and items including packs, sleeping mats, stove fuel and insulation.

1 comment:

  1. The MSR Windboiler Stove looks very interesting, I bought a Reactor after having the opportunity to test one thanks to a ,pass around' organized by Hendrik Morkel. Based on tests I carried out the Reactor was the best performing cartridge stove I'd ever tried, even with an almost empty 100g cartridge. The only downside was the bulk and weight, the Windboiler should be a winner.
