Monday 16 January 2012

Allt Duine Update: Radio, Newspapers & Outdoors Magic

Tomorrow Highlands Council will accept or reject the Allt Duine wind farm proposal so today I've been talking to the media for last minute news pieces and publicity. I've been interviewed for the Independent and Moray Firth Radio and I'm waiting for a call from BBC Radio Scotland (missed them earlier - I'd gone out for a walk. It was a lovely day!). Jon Doran of Outdoors Magic contacted me too and has written a piece for OM, which you can see here, including quotes and pictures from my blog posts. Thanks Jon!

Now we just have to wait for the councillors to make their "site" visit (which doesn't actually go anywhere near the site), debate the issue and decide. In less than 24 hours we'll know. I'll be at the Council meeting and talking to the media afterwards. Fingers crossed!


  1. I'd love to think that they will reject the Windfarm plan.
    But experience shows us that reasoned argument seem to be beyond the cognitive ability of many of these people, and desecration of the highland wilderness high up on their agenda.
    So I will just have to cross as many bits of my anatomy as I can.

  2. Even though the developement is just outside the edge of the NP, I can't understand how bulldozing access tracks, and destroying acres of peat within the NP could even be entertained?!
    It's enough to make you weep.

    Mike fae Dundee

  3. Sounds like one battle has been won but look out for an appeal to the Scottish Government - and we know where there sympathies lie. Need to be ever watchful but well done on a well fought campaign.

  4. Oops! "their" !
