The Mountaineering Council of Scotland has issued a press release in support of Ramblers Scotland (see my June 14 post Ramblers Betray Scotland). We at the MCoS work closely with Ramblers Scotland colleagues on many access and conservation issues and are impressed with their dedication and expertise. The outdoor world in Scotland needs them.
This press release has been reported on the excellent Grough website here.
And it's now appeared on Outdoors Magic.
And Walk Highlands has a post about the press release and Ramblers Scotland appeal.
Update 18 June: Cameron McNeish has posted about the press release on his website and also published an excellent letter of support from Glasgow Young Walkers.
Update: 19 June: The Herald has an excellent piece on Ramblers Scotland President Dennis Canavan, who says that Ramblers Scotland might have to go it alone if Ramblers UK withdraw funding.
Photo info: The MCoS and Ramblers Scotland work together to safeguard access in Scotland and prevent the appearance of notices like this. Canon EOS 300D, 18-55mm lens at 55mm, 1/125 @ f8, ISO 100, JPEG processed in Lightroom 2.
This is a time to get behind all access groups. There is a growing trend by some landowners to bar walkers by physical barriers. To do nothing invites this worrying trend to continue. Well done for highlighting this chris.