Saturday 4 May 2013

The Cairngorms In Winter: Recording the Final Words

The Cairngorms from Aviemore, May 4, 2013

Fresh snow decorated the high tops of the Cairngorms, making them shine in the hazy sunshine. I was with Terry Abraham in Aviemore and we were looking at the mountains from the railway station bridge. Even down here in the town the air was chilly. Winter in the Cairngorms is not yet over. The Cairngorms In Winter film I’ve been making with Terry Abraham is finished though, bar the last tweaks and adding the last words from me, which we’d recorded the previous day.

The actual filming was finished over two weeks ago and Terry had spent the intervening time selecting from his work and putting the film together. Now with that done it just remained for me to record some words to go with some of the visuals, words covering everything from the formation of the Cairngorms to winter camping. We recorded these in the comfort of the living room with a DVD of the film playing on the TV so I could see what would be on the screen with my words. Outside the rain teemed down. The mountains were hidden in thick grey clouds. Occasionally bits of snow of snow were visible on the mountainsides as the ragged edges of the clouds lifted slightly. Up there on the tops it would be a white-out. It was a good day to be indoors. It was hard work though. We recorded six separate segments which meant working out what I would say, refining it, recording it and then recording it again and sometimes a third time as this was Terry’s last visit. Today’s work had to be right.

This was also the first time I’d seen the whole film from start to finish. Terry had sent me clips and sequences to view and comment on, not all of which made it to the final cut, but I hadn’t grasped just how these would fit together to make a film that flows and builds beautifully. Terry has done a great job. I just hope my words fit well enough.

I left Terry on the station waiting for his train south. My part in making the film was over.

In just over two weeks I’ll be in Keswick for the premiere (already sold out) and then on July 26th I’ll be at the Rheged Centre, where the film will be shown all week.

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