Saturday 14 January 2023

First Day Of The Year In The Hills

In the hills for the first time this year. No summits reached but that wasn’t the main aim. Just being out was enough. The forecast was for lower winds than recently and clouds lifting in the afternoon. It was half correct. The winds were much lighter. The clouds stayed low.

I wandered around in the mouths of the Northern Corries of Cairn Gorm and part way up towards Cairn Lochan. The going was harder than expected and I regretted not bringing snowshoes. Snow had fallen the previous night and lay soft on the ground, lightly covering rocks and heather. Deceptive snow. It didn’t look much but in places was ankle to knee deep. Too many rocks for skiing but snowshoes would have worked. As it was I had more exercise than expected whilst not going that far.

Whatever the conditions any day in the hills gives something and on this day it was the light below the clouds. Away to the west and north hills and woods glowed in sunshine. Maybe I should have gone for a walk on the Monadh Liath or in the forest. But I hadn’t. I was here.

I ventured into the lower mist, the hills becoming shadowy and vague. Other walkers appeared and disappeared, tiny figures in a white mountain world.

More snow is forecast. Maybe it will be skis next time. 


1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos as usual Chris. Hope you get out on your snowshoes soon. I'm getting plenty of mileage on mine in the Dolomites this winter 😍
