Monday 2 December 2013

Big Thaw in the Cairngorms

The last few days has seen a big thaw of snow in the Northern Cairngorms. All the low level snow had already gone and when the mountains appeared out of the clouds today for the first time in many days it was clear that the thaw had reached the summits. That said, more snow is now forecast for later this week so by next weekend the hills could be white again. The Scottish winter is never predictable!

The photo was taken on December 2 at 3.15pm.

1 comment:

  1. Useful info Chris. Every time I head up from London the thaw has been with me in recent years. I have been unlucky in having no snow in January and February, yet loads of the stuff in April. Even had a fair bit on an Ultimate Challenge crossing in May '83. And when you have to come up from the south it is difficult to fine tune the kit you will really need. Hoping for a white January.
