Saturday 12 July 2014

Finished! My Pacific Crest Trail Book.

On the Pacific Crest Trail in the High Sierra, May 1982

I've finally finished writing Rattlesnakes and Bald Eagles, the story of my Pacific Crest Trail walk, and sent it to the publisher at Sandstone Press. I hope he likes it!

Although the writing is over producing the book isn't. My next task will be to caption the photos that will appear in the book (all scans from Kodachrome 64 slides) and allocate them page numbers so they appear in the right place. Then there'll be the final check of the edited manuscript. And all being well the book will be published in October.


  1. Congratulations! I look forward to reading it and placing myself in your shoes, at least for the parts I've hiked.

  2. Splendid stuff; very much looking forward to this.

    Is the publisher scanning the slides Chris? Seems to be a dying art already…

  3. Thanks folks. John, the publisher is having the slides scanned. Not sure which ones or how many will appear yet. Depends on the quality.
